Bachelor Program (S1)


“Constructing the undergraduate programme into an institution of higher-education, center of advanced research, and innovative development, and as entrepreneur in geophysical engineering field with the purpose to embody a very competitive world-class undergraduate programme through several steps, with the first step in ASEAN region, the second step in South East Asia region, and final step in the World.”



  1. Being able to deliver educational service, research, and social service in geophysical engineering field to people, with first-class quality in national and/or international level.
  2. Being able to lead and support the government sector, education sector, entrepreneurship sector, and essentially the people of Indonesia to triumph in international competition in geophysical engineering field.
  3. Taking part in constructing industrial and informational Indonesian-society in geophysical engineering field.



Higher-education curriculum is a set of plans and regulation about content, review material, and also study material with its knowledge transferring method. The curriculum is also contained with the evaluation which is used for guidance of study activity establishment in the institution. Curriculum should have contained the graduate-competence standard which is well-listed in, not only the main competence but also the support and other competence, that support the accomplishments of vision, mission, and objective of their respective undergraduate programme. Curriculum is filled with study course / module / block which supports the graduate-competence’s attainment and provides privilege for the student to broaden their knowledge and advancing skills based on their interest. This curriculum is also contained with a description of study course / module / block, syllabus, learning plan, and evaluation. The curriculum have to be designed based on its relevance with  the objective, scope and advancement of the material, and also organizational activity which could encourage the existence of hard skills, self-capability, and soft skills that could be applied in any kind of term and condition.


There has been a change in the bachelor degree program’s curriculum which follows the ITB regulation, that changed from a curriculum which only contains of compulsory and elective subjects into new curriculum which consists of group of major (compulsory), major (elective), and minor subjects. Major (compulsory) subjects is a group of subjects which have to be learned by all students (35 CU), while the minor subjects (14-16 CU) is a list of subjects that can be taken by the students to learn outside the scope of main geophysical engineering ( i.e. bachelor degree program of Petroleum Engineering, Mining Engineering, and/or Geological Engineering ). In addition, Bachelor Degree of Geophysical Engineering Programme also provides minor subjects for other bachelor degree programme. On the other hand, major (elective) subjects are the optional groups of subjects, which consist of seismology, oil and gas, and mining & geothermal option. Moreover, there are also other minor subjects from other of study programme mentioned before in the geophysical engineering programme.


The 2013 curriculum of the undergraduate programme is designed for 8 semesters and is divided into two study stages:



Common First Year Program (TPB):  2 semesters,

36 CU and all students within the FMPE take the same courses



Bachelor Program: 6 semesters, 108 CU

Compulsory Courses: 83 CU

Elective Courses: 15 CU (Internal: 7 CU; External: 8 CU)

Free Courses: 10 CU


Regulation for completing the Undergraduate Programme in Geophysical Engineering(UPGE) is described in Table 1 and the corresponding course sequences for the programme are given in Table 2-4.


The UPGE has conducted several activities to obtain suggestions from the stakeholders. These activities are regular meeting with academic staffs, regular meeting with the head of research divisions, the head of laboratories, and lecture coordinators, and workshops with academic staffs, stakeholders and alumnae. From these activities the strengths and weaknesses have been derived.



The strengths of the UPGE come from its curriculum design that has the following characteristics, as follow:

  • The curriculums have a multi-discipline characteristic and object-oriented.
  • The curriculum is divergent and flexible.
  • The courses were designed as a combination between learning process in class and application process in real field/industry.


Another strong point is shown by the academic staffs. The staff-student ratio is appropriately huge, allowing for proper service to the students. Staff qualification is excellent; almost 90 % are doctorate degree holders. The staff’s work ethics deserve our praise. Various competitive and innovative research grants awarded to the academic staff members every year show their high quality.



However, there are some obstacles in implementation of the programme:

  • The elective courses were not deep enough.
  • Basic knowledge was not understood deep enough by students.
  • Some geological courses, which supposed to be compulsory, are now considered as elective courses.


Area for Improvement

Considering those weaknesses, the UPGE should consider the following action plans for improvement:

  • The graduate could fill several strategical positions/roles in engineering field, resources exploration field, etc.
  • Learning-teaching process must be led so the graduate have proper skills with the IPTEK advancement, for example through company visit, final project, on job training program, etc.
  • Improve the student’s stand-alone ability. For example, the learning process must be more active than the teaching process.
  • Innovate the student’s knowledge vision and learning way. For example, course subject explanation from lecturer is a must.


Table 1 Regulation for completing the Undergraduate Programme in Geophysical Engineering.

Programme Stage Total CU Pass Minimum GPA Length of Study Maximum allowed duration of Study
Compulsory Elective Free Total
Undergraduate TPB 36 0 0 36 2.001 1 year 2 years
Sarjana 83 15 10 108 2.002 3 years 6 years*

1 Minimum grade: D; 2 Minimum grade: C. **as from entering ITB


Table 2 Curriculum structure of Undergraduate Programme in Geophysical Engineering.


Semester I Semester II
  Code Course Name CU   Code Course Name CU
1 MA1101 Mathematics IA 4 1 MA1201 Mathematics IIA 4
2 FI1101 Basic Physics IA 4 2 FI1201 Basic Physics IIA 4
3 KI1101 Basic Chemistry IA 3 3 KI1201 Basic Chemistry IIA 3
4 KU1101 Introduction on Engineering & Design I 2 4 KU1201 Introduction on Engineering & Design II 2
5 KU1011 Scientific Paper Writing 2 5 KU1072 Introduction on Information Technology B 2
6 KU1164 Introduction on Mineral & Energy Resources 2 6 KU102X English 2
        7 KU1001 Sports 2
    Total 17     Total 19
Semester III Semester IV
  Code Course Name CU   Code Course Name CU
1 TG2111 Introduction to Geophysics 2 1 TG2205 Wave Theory in Geophysics 3
2 TG2101 Geomathematics I 3 2 TG2203 Geomathematics II 3
3 TG2102 Electronics in Geophysics 3 3 TG2204 Potential Theory 2
4 GL2141 Crystallography and Mineralogy 3 4 TG2240 Geophysical Computation 3
5 GL2151 Sedimentology 3 5 GD2001 Introduction on Surveying 2
6 GL2111 Physical Geology 3 6 KU206X Religion & Ethics 2
    Total 17     Total 15
Semester V Semester VI
  Code Course Name CU   Code Course Name CU
1 TG3109 Seismic Refraction 3 1 TG3241 Geoelectrical and Electromagnetism 3
2 TG3110 Geophysical Signal Analysis 2 2 TG3222 Geodynamics 2
3 TG3120 Seismology 3 3 TG3262 Geostatistics 3
4 TG3106 Geophysical Instrumentation 3 4 TG3290 Field Camp Geophysics 3
5 TG3108 Geophysical Thermodynamics and Fluid  Dynamics 3 5 TG3261 Seismic Reflection Data Acquisition & Processing 3
6 KU2071 Civic Education 2 6 TG3260 Gravity and Magnetics 3
    Total 16     Total 17
Semester VII Semester VIII
  Code Course Name CU   Code Course Name CU
1 TG4162 Interpretation of Seismic Reflection 3 1 TG4243 Volcanology and Geothermal Exploration 3
2 TG4116 Communication in Geophysics 2 2 TG4091 Final Project II 3
3 TG4169 Earth Crust Mechanics 2        
4 TG4142 Engineering & Environmental Geophysics 3        
5 TG4092 Final Project I 2        
    Total 12     Total 6

*Compulsory Courses: 75 CU


Table 3 ITB compulsory courses.

  Code Course Name CU
1 KU206X Religion & Ethics 2
2 KU2071 Civic Education 2
3   Management Courses* 2
4   Environmental Courses** 2
    Total 8

* ITB Compulsory Courses: 8CU

*They are alternative courses on management courses set up by ITB. Students may take any one of them; **For the environment course, students are obligated to take the environment coure (TG-4142) that is provided by the Undergraduate Programme in Geopysical Engineering.


Table 4 Elective Course in the Undergraduate Programme in Geophysical Engineering.

No Code Course Name CU IE/RE No Code Course Name CU IE/RE
1 TG3113 Geophysical Inversion 3 IE 14 TG4265 Seismic Attributes for Reservoir Characterization 2 IE
2 TG4028 Geophysical Exploration 2 IE 15 TG4269 Economical Geophysics and Management 2 IE
3 TG4029 Capita of Selecta in Geophysics 2 IE 16 GL2212 Structural Geology 3 RE
4 TG4063 Special Topic in Geophysics 2 IE 17 GL2213 Tectonophysics 2 RE
5 TG4067 Job Training 2 IE 18 GL2242 Petrology 3 RE
6 TG4128 Geotomography 3 IE 19 GL2252 Principle of Stratigraphy 2 RE
7 TG4166 Rock Physics 2 IE 20 GL3251 Petroleum Geology 3 RE
8 TG4168 Seismic Stratigraphy 2 IE 21 GL4052 Geological Well Logs 2 RE
9 TG4223 Numerical Simulation of The Earthquake 3 IE 22 TA4102 Mineral Economics 3 RE
10 TG4225 Applied Seismology 2 IE 23 TG5133 Hydrogeophysics 2 RE
11 TG4226 Physics of the Earth’s Interior 2 IE 24 TG5149 Microseismic 2 RE
12 TG4227 Fault Mechanism 2 IE 25 TG5245 Geothermal Exploration 2 RE
13 TG4264 Reservoir Seismic Inversion 3 IE 26 TG6042 Mining Geophysics 2 RE

*IE -Internal Elective Courses, RE -Recommended External Elective Courses




  1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Djoko Santoso, M.Sc.
  2. Afnimar, M.Sc. Ph.D
  3. Dr. Alfian, M.T.
  4. Dr. Warsa, S.Si., M.T.
  5. Dr. Tedy Setiawan
  6. Dr. Tedi Yudistira, S.Si, M.Si.
  7. Dr. Susanti Alawiyah, S.T., M.T.
  8. Dr. Setianingsih, S.T., M.T.
  9. Dr. rer. nat. Widodo, S.T., M.T.
  10. Dr. Eng. Ir. T. A. Sanny, M.Sc.
  11. Dr. Zulfakriza, S.Si, M.T.
  12. Dr Eko Januari Wahyudi, S.T., M.T.
  13. Dr. rer.nat. Andri Hendriyana, S.T., M.T.
  14. Dr. David Prambudi Sahara, S.T., M.T.
  15. Dadi Abdurrahman, S.T., M.T.
  16. Indra Gunawan, S.Kom., M.Si.
  17. Silvia Jannatul Fajar, S.T., M.T.
  18. Rexha Verdhora Rx, S.T., M.T.
  19. Dona Sita Ambarsari, S.T., M.T.
  20. Dr. Endra Gunawan, S.T., M.T.
  21. Fernando Lawrens S.T., M.T.