Bachelor Curriculum
The 2019 Curriculum structure of Geophysical Engineering Bachelor Program has 144 credit and divided into 2 stages that is:
- Common First Year Program (TPB) : 2 semesters, 36 credit
- Bachelor Program : 6 semesters, 108 Credit
- Compulsory : 86 Credit
- Elective : 22 Credit
Course module link : Bachelor course module
Curriculum Structure
Compulsory Course
Semester I No | Code | Course | Credit | Semester II No | Code | Course | Credit |
1 | MA1101 | Mathematics IA | 4 | 1 | MA1201 | Mathematics IIA | 4 |
2 | FI1101 | Basic Physics IA | 4 | 2 | FI1201 | Basic Physics IIA | 4 |
3 | KI1101 | Basic Chemistry IA | 3 | 3 | KI1201 | Basic Chemistry IIA | 3 |
4 | KU1164 | Introduction to Mineral and Energy Resources | 2 | 4 | KU1011 | Indonesian Languange : Scientific Writing | 2 |
5 | KU1102 | Introduction to Computation | 3 | 5 | KU1001 | Sports | 2 |
6 | KU1024 | English | 2 | 6 | KU1202 | Introduction to Engineering and Design | 3 |
Total | 18 | Total | 18 |
Semester III No | Code | Course | Credit | Semester IV No | Code | Course | Credit |
1 | GL2111 | Physical Geology | 3 (1) | 1 | GD2001 | Introduction to Surveying | 3 |
2 | KU2071 | Pancasila and Civic Education | 2 | 2 | GL2043 | Introduction to Mineralogy and Petrology | 2 |
3 | TG2101 | Geomathematics I | 3 | 3 | KU206X | Religion and Ethics | 2 |
4 | TG2102 | Wave in Geophysics | 3 | 4 | TG2203 | Geomathematics II | 3 |
5 | TG2103 | Basic Geophysics | 2 | 5 | TG2204 | Potential Theory | 2 |
6 | TG2104 | Geophysical Instrumentation | 3 | 6 | TG2201 | Geostatistics I | 2 |
7 | TG2105 | Computing in Geophysics | 3 | 7 | TG2231 | Seismology | 3 |
Total | 19 | Total | 17 |
Semester V No | Code | Course | Credit | Semester VI No | Code | Course | Credit |
1 | TG3110 | Geophysical Signal Analysis | 2 | 1 | TG3201 | Geophysical Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics | 3 |
2 | TG3102 | Geostatistics II | 2 | 2 | TG3261 | Seismic Data Acquisition | 3 |
3 | TG3109 | Seismic Refraction | 3 | 3 | TG3241 | Geoelectro-magnetism | 3 |
4 | TG3132 | Earth Crust Mechanics | 2 | 4 | TG3263 | Gravity and Geomagnetics | 3 |
5 | GL3053 | Sedimentology and Stratigraphy | 3 | 5 | TG3222 | Geodynamics | 2 |
6 | GL2212 | Structural Geology | 3 | 6 | TG3290 | Fieldwork | 3 |
Total | 15 | Total | 17 |
Semester VII No | Code | Course | Credit | Semester VIII No | Code | Course | Credit |
1 | TG4001 | Communication in Geophysics | 2 | 1 | TG4091 | Final Project II | 3 |
2 | TG4092 | Final Project I | 2 | 2 | TG4243 | Volcanology and Geothermal Exploration | 3 |
3 | TG4162 | Seismic Interpretation | 3 | 3 | XXXXX | Management | 2 |
4 | TG4141 | Geophysical Inversion | 3 | ||||
Total | 10 | Total | 8 |
Elective Course
Semester Ganjil No | Code | Course | Credit | Semester Genap No | Code | Course | Credit |
1 | TG2111 | General Geophysics | 2 | 1 | TG3001 | Advanced Geophysical Instrumentation | 3 |
2 | TG3001 | Advanced Geophysical Instrumentation | 3 | 2 | TG4043 | Exploration Geophysics | 2 |
3 | TG4043 | Exploration Geophysics | 2 | 3 | TG4029 | Capita Selecta in Geophysics | 2 |
4 | TG4029 | Capita Selecta in Geophysics | 2 | 4 | TG4063 | Special Topic in Geophysics | 2 |
5 | TG4063 | Special Topic in Geophysics | 2 | 5 | TG4067 | Job Training | 2 |
6 | TG4067 | Job Training | 2 | 6 | TG4047 | Design in Geophysical Engineering | 2 |
7 | TG4047 | Design in Geophysical Engineering | 2 | 7 | TG4264 | Seismic Inversion for Reservoir Characterization | 3 |
8 | TG4166 | Rock Physics | 2 | 8 | TG4265 | Seismic Attributes for Reservoir Characterization | 2 |
9 | TG4142 | Engineering & Environmental Geophysics | 3 | 9 | TG4223 | Numerical Simulation of The Earthquake | 3 |
10 | TG4143 | Geotomography | 3 | 10 | TG4225 | Applied Seismology | 2 |
11 | TG5025 | Summer School Geofisika | 2 | 11 | TG4226 | Fisika Interior Bumi | 2 |
12 | TG5042 | Mining Geophysics | 2 | 12 | TG4234 | Mekanika Sesar dan Gempa Bumi | 2 |
13 | TG5113 | Seismology Exploration and Engineering | 3 | 13 | TG4269 | Geofisika Ekonomi & Manajemen | 2 |
14 | TG5132 | Disaster Mitigation | 2 | 14 | TG5025 | Summer School Geofisika | 2 |
15 | TG5133 | Hidrogeofisika | 2 | 15 | TG5042 | Mining Geophysics | 2 |
16 | TG5135 | Geomechanics in Geophysics | 2 | 16 | TG5211 | Seismic Modeling | 3 |
17 | TG5142 | Individual Project in Geophysics | 2 | 17 | TG5245 | Geothermal Eksploration | 2 |
18 | TG5143 | Geofisika Marin | 2 | ||||
19 | TG5149 | Mikroseismik | 2 |